It’s kind of strange to write an opening post having already been here, in Baku (the capital of Azerbaijan) for two weeks. Yet, I sort of feel compelled to at least give some sort of introduction before going into the thick of things.

This blog will follow my adventures and misadventures as a Fulbrighter in Azerbaijan. Some posts will deal with the lighter side of things, like culture and cuisine, others (I hope) will be more serious and analyze social and political issues I encounter. I hope to tell those back home who are reading this about a part of the world that is little known to most. It is my deepest wish that those of you who will be following my story will also gain some knowledge and understanding, and become as passionate about this region as I have become.

I would like to note that everything I write here is exclusively my opinion. Although I am on US Department of State program, my views in no way reflect the vies of the local US Embassy or DOS.


With that, lets go! Onwards and up!

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